Friday, May 9, 2014

Sudden Thoughts

Thin line between life and death.
One second you're alive and the next .. you're dead.
What makes me afraid of death is that I haven't lived a fulfilled life yet.

Too much dreams I want to live.

Be with you.
Travel the world with you.
Help people in far places together, you with your camera and me with my heart.
We could simply be there for them.

Everyone is dreaming, not just us.
My dreams .. you are the most important part of them.
To live them WITH YOU

Growth .. strong word , we will go through it .. hopefully together.

I have to accept that fifth element.
Thing that I cannot control, but hope for.
we can hope, but not control.

I can hope, do the best or even more than I can do , but not control anything.
a truth that's not easy to be accepted.
Needs too much training.

The fifth Element ..